Keep It Running: 7 Essential Types of HVAC Maintenance

Technician is checking air conditioner ,measuring equipment for filling air conditioners.

As unfortunate as HVAC repairs are, the good news is many can be prevented or delayed with the right maintenance. Learn more here.

A new furnace can cost you anywhere from $2,000 to $7,000 on average, depending on the size of your house. A new central air conditioner, meanwhile, can cost between $2,500 and $15,000.

There will come a time when you need to replace both. But you can delay those replacements with proper maintenance on your HVAC system.

When you maintain your home’s HVAC system, you can steer clear of costly repairs. You assure you get as much life out of your HVAC system as possible before needing HVAC replacement.

Here are 7 essential kinds of HVAC maintenance:

1)  Replace Air Filter Regularly

The air filter inside your HVAC system is arguably its most important component. It protects your HVAC system by shielding it from:

  • Dirt
  • Dust
  • Allergens
  • Pet dander
  • Smoke & smog

Use a high-quality air filter and set a reminder to replace it every three months so your HVAC system runs efficiently. This reduces the risk of it breaking down ahead of schedule.

It’s one of the most essential types of HVAC maintenance.

2)  Clear Area by Furnace and AC Unit

Most furnaces are located in utility closets or basements. So it’s common for clutter to grow around them.

Don’t let too much stuff linger outside your furnace. It makes it hard for you to access your furnace and gathers dust, which can work its way into your furnace. Keep the area clear of clutter at all costs.

From the AC unit outside, clear away:

  • Dirt
  • Leaves & sticks
  • Grass clippings
  • Toys
  • Other debris

Nothing should be atop or against your AC unit.

Assure your AC unit is level. It also should sit on a concrete pad to prevent it from sinking into the lawn.

3)  Clean Evaporator and Condenser Coils

You have evaporator coils inside your HVAC system and condenser coils outside in your AC unit. Both play an important part in keeping your home cool in the heat.

  • Evaporator coils take the warm air inside your home and strip it of humidity so it can be efficiently cooled.
  • Condenser coils push hot air out of your home out so the indoor temperature is comfortable.

Both evaporator and condenser coils must be kept clean to let your HVAC system do its job. Both can get clogged with dirt and debris.

4)  Remove Blower Dirt, Dust, and Debris

Your HVAC system creates as much warm or cool air as you want, depending on the season. But if its blower doesn’t work, that “conditioned” air never makes it through your home.

Your HVAC blower sends warm or cool air  through the ductwork and air register. To work properly, clean it every month or so to get rid of dirt, dust, allergens and debris.

Test the blower to assure it does more than just make noise when your HVAC system runs.

5)  Don’t Let Condensate Drain Clog

The condensate drain in your HVAC system plays an important role. It takes the moisture your evaporator coils remove from the air and drains it away it.

Over time, mold, algae, allergens and more can clog your condensate drain. There’s simply no way for the moisture to drain away. This increases the humidity in your home and potentially causes serious HVAC problems.

Pour a mixture of bleach and water down the condensate drain each year to clear the drain. This should prevent clogs from forming in the first place.

6)  Check and Clean Air Ducts as Needed

When did you last inspect and clean ed the air ducts in your home?

If it’s been a while, a lot of dust and allergens has built up inside them. In some cases, even mold and mildew can grow in air ducts and send mold spores throughout your home.

The National Air Duct Cleaners Association recommends you clean air ducts about once every 3 to 5 years. Besides removing dust, such cleaning also reduces strain on your HVAC system.

7)  Open Air Registers and Keep Them Clear

Opening more of your home’s air registers also reduces HVAC strain.

Make sure at least 80 percent of your air registers are always open. Clear the areas around them to assure uninterrupted air flow.

This lets the warm or cool air spread throughout your home. You’ll notice a big difference when you open more air registers.

Make HVAC Maintenance a Priority

Regular maintenance extends the life of your HVAC system and reduces your energy costs.

But there will be times when you’ll need an HVAC professional. We provide the residential, commercial and industrial HVAC services you need to keep your HVAC system going strong.